Our Team


Daniel Sandberg


Daniel was born and raised in Washington State. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah with a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics. Before being admitted into physical therapy school, he received a certification as a Diet Technician Registered and worked as a Professional Ski Instructor and Physical Therapy Aide in Seattle, Washington and Orange County, California. He went on to receive a Doctor of Physical Therapy from the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina in May of 2017. During his time in school he acted as class Vice-President, worked as an Anatomy and Physiology supplemental instructor, volunteered with a spinal cord injury water ski clinic and wheelchair basketball tournaments, and completed clinical affiliations in a skilled nursing facility in Salt Lake City, an acute care hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas, and two orthopedic/sports affiliations with one in South Carolina and the other in New York City. Daniel worked in Las Vegas prior to moving to Salt Lake City; there he worked with a wide range of clients including Cirque du Soleil performers, professional and amateur athletes, first responders, post motor vehicle accidents, workers compensation, repetitive use injuries, and many more. Daniel has a passion for amazing food, the outdoors, skiing, athletics, continued education, traveling, and providing excellent care with his patients.



No matter your history, physical strength level, current pain level, or diagnosis. All physical therapy is a team effort. It requires planning, technical skill, and knowledge on the therapists part and MAX effort and commitment from you the client. If it is one sided it never ends or there is never the desired improvement. You are part of the process in setting YOUR goals, YOUR desires, YOUR expectations, YOUR transformation, and YOUR improvement.

Ready to take control of your pain?